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City Council Staff Report <br />A-99-6 & PD-99-6 <br />January 13, 2000 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />B. Approve the rezoning of the landlocked property, adjacent to the east of the existing <br />animal hospital, from RS Residential Single -Family District to CC(PD) Community <br />Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />C. Approve the development plans (Planned Development) for the construction of an <br />additional building to expand the existing animal hospital. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In January 1997, the City Council approved the rezoning of 14790 Washington Avenue from CC <br />Community Commercial District to CC(PD) Community Commercial, Planned Development <br />Overlay District (A-96-4) and the development of a new pet hospital (PD-96-3). The area behind <br />(east) of the new two-story pet hospital was left undeveloped. Subsequent to the project's approval, <br />the applicant acquired an undeveloped residential property, adjacent to the easterly side of the site. <br />The property is in the center of the block and has no street frontage. The total project site is <br />approximately 33,506 square feet (0.77 acre). <br />DETAILS OF PROPOSAL <br />Rezoning <br />The applicant proposes to rezone the landlocked lot from RS Residential Single -Family District to <br />CC(PD) Community Commercial , Planned Development Overlay District. This would match the <br />existing zoning of the animal hospital site and the base district of the properties fronting <br />Washington Avenue. In addition, the three parcels will be combined into one parcel. <br />Planned Development <br />The proposed building will be constructed on the most northerly portion of the site, east of the <br />existing building and art/frame gallery site and south of the convalescent home's parking lot. The <br />north and westerly walls will be situated on the property line. The easterly side will maintain a 10- <br />foot setback from the property line. The carport for the adjacent residential townhouses to the east <br />abuts the property line. The south side of the new building is approximately 44-feet from the <br />property line. This side of the building faces a two-way driveway that connects the existing <br />parking areas to the proposed parking lot. The new parking lot will be constructed in the parcel that <br />is being considered for rezoning form RS to CC(PD). <br />The existing clinic specializes in emergency veterinarian needs. The proposed facility would <br />provide radiation oncology, nuclear medicine, and diagnostic services. These services will use X- <br />rays for diagnosis and treatment. <br />The ground floor will have a waiting area and receptionist at the entrance. There will be three <br />examination rooms. The center of the floor is dedicated to a treatment area and dog run for holding <br />animals. The north end will have three surgery rooms and an area for sterilization of equipment <br />and instruments. <br />