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MO 2000-006 to 2000-010
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 2000-006 to 2000-010
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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City of San Leandro Admin Code: Appendix H <br />NOTICE OF DETERMINATION <br />Adopted 6/27/90 <br />_ Office of Planning and Research ' From: City of San Leandro <br />1400 Tenth Street, Room I&ERK" Develo ment Services Department <br />Sacramento CA 95814 211& 855%, 14th Street <br />Wa$ p(.-.,t x r. 'hi C�cananu o CA 94577ourthouse M <br />X County Clerk C• foi rhe. Perior ]e unbecl by law. rn O <br />Alameda County btec ,*F,r it COUNTY CLERK A0 00— G <br />1225 Fallon Oakic inq .;a. J ^ - ; `J- - O 0 <br />Oakland CA 94612 C"144L� by WX02W0 q q ( 19 � �) <br />Subject: DfOW <br />Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. <br />A-99-6 & PD-99-6; to rezone a parcel known as Assessor's Parcel Number 77C-1350-4 from RS Residential Single -Family District to <br />CC(PD) Community Commercial, Planned Development Overlay District; and a planned development to construct an additional two- <br />story animal hospital on the undeveloped area behind the existing art gallery and to provide additional off-street parking behind the <br />existine emergencv pet clinic. <br />Project Title <br />Not applicable City of San Leandro, Elmer Penaranda 510-577-3371 <br />State Clearinghouse Number Lead Agency Area Code/Telephone/extension <br />(if submitted to Clearinghouse) Contact Person <br />14790 Washington Avenue, San Leandro CA 94577, Alameda County (77C-1305-3-2, 4 & 86-1). <br />Project Location (include county) <br />)ject Description: <br />project site is comprised of three adjoining parcels, irregular in shape, with a total area of approximately 33, 506 square feet (0.77 <br />acre). It has frontage on both Washington Avenue to the west and Bradrick Drive to the south to serve the existing parking areas. The <br />existing building fronts Washington Avenue. The remaining area to the north and east is undeveloped. <br />The existing building footprint (5,380 square feet) and the proposed footprint (3,556.28 square feet) covers only 26.8% of the site, where <br />50% is the maximum allowed. The floor area of the existing building (7,485 square feet) and the floor area of the proposed building <br />(7,115.88 square feet) has a total floor area of 14,600.88 square feet which equals a Floor Area Ration (FAR) of 0.44, where 0.50 is <br />the maximum allowable. The new building will have a maximum building height of 32.5-feet, where the maximum allowable in the <br />CC District is 50-feet. The new building requires an off-street parking ratio of one space per 400 square feet, will require 19 spaces <br />which is the amount provided in the new parking area. The existing building also required 19 spaces, however 27 were provided; <br />thus, there will be surplus of eight parking spaces. <br />The existing clinic specializes in emergency veterinarian needs. The proposed facility would provide radiation oncology, nuclear <br />medicine, and diagnostic services. These services will use X-rays for diagnosis and treatment. There will be a CT Scanner, gamma <br />camera, Cobalt treatment machine, and dedicated Iodine treatment area. <br />The basement will be accessible via two stairwells and the elevator. Most of the specialized treatment will occur in this area where X-ray <br />shielding is required and will be provided by being underground and behind thickened concrete walls. <br />The Cobalt treatment room will house an X-ray type machine, which can rotate in many directions and provide directional treatment to <br />pinpoint targets. The Gamma room and Ward room are where chemotherapy animal patients (mostly cats) will be contained during their <br />treatment. The CT Scan room will house the CT scanning equipment. <br />The new animal hospital will have conventional hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. The existing facility is an emergency pet hospital and is <br />n 24-hours. The new facility will include seven employees (three doctors, four technicians). Five doctors and five technicians/clerical <br />Sons staff the existing hospital. <br />
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