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Redevelopment Advisory Committee - 2 - January 28, 2000 <br />Appointments <br />DISCUSSION <br />Late last year, Sean Buran left the employment of Pacific Union Homes and resigned his position <br />on the RAC in favor of Karen Thompson, a fellow employee of Pacific Union who has <br />participated on the City's West San Leandro Committee and retained a keen interest in the <br />activities of the RAC since its formation early last year. <br />The vacancy on the RAC was announced at the RAC meeting on January 19t" and Ms. Thompson <br />was unanimously nominated for the appointment. No other nominations were made. Therefore, <br />it is recommended that the City Council appoint Ms. Thompson to the RAC to fill the current <br />vacancy. <br />CONCLUSION <br />The RAC provides important input in the formation of the West San Leandro/MacArthur <br />Boulevard Redevelopment Area. The appointment of Karen Thompson will allow full <br />representation from the community. Therefore, staff recommends her appointment. <br />DF/DP/JA:la <br />G:UENNIFER\WSLMACARTHUR\RAC\COMMITEEROSTER\RAC APPT STAFF RPT.DOC <br />