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MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />BETWEEN <br />SAN LEANDRO MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br />AND <br />MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEE RELATIONS OFFICER (CITY MANAGER) <br />The understandings reached by this Memorandum are a result of meeting and conferring in good <br />faith between the Municipal Employee Relations Officer of the City of San Leandro (City <br />Manager) and the officers of the San Leandro Management Organization. <br />This Memorandum of Understanding shall be presented to the San Leandro City Council as the <br />joint recommendation of the undersigned parties for salary and employee benefit adjustments for <br />the period commencing January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2001. <br />HEALTH AND WELFARE <br />A. Medical (Active) <br />The IRS 125 plan implemented on March 1, 1996 shall continue. The plan shall provide the <br />following: <br />a. Pretax premium conversion of employee contribution toward medical premiums. <br />b. Medical Flexible Spending Account with a maximum employee pretax contribution <br />of $2,000 per benefit plan year. <br />C. Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account with a maximum employee pretax <br />contribution of $5,000 per benefit plan year. <br />The City will maintain in effect a "core flex" medical benefit plan. The core shall consist of <br />the Kaiser Medical Plan with a five dollar co -payment and the existing MetLife Dental Plan. <br />Effective January 1, 2006 the Kaiser Medical Plan will be amended as follows: <br />• Emergency Room co -payment shall be $35.00 (waived if admitted into the hospital. <br />• Prescription drug benefit shall be a $5.00 co -pay for a 30 day supply to a co -pay of <br />$5.00 for a 100 day supply for maintenance medication. <br />• In -patient mental health benefit will provide for a 30 day confinement per calendar <br />year. <br />• The out -patient mental health co -payment will be $20.00 per visit up to 20 visits per <br />calendar year. <br />The City will contribute the following monthly amount toward the election of medical <br />benefits in the plan: <br />Employee .$1621.05 <br />Employee +1 $324.10 <br />Family $431.06 <br />