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EMPLOYEE DEFENSE AND INDEMNITY <br />In the event that all or part of a claim or judgment is for punitive or exemplary damages in any <br />action otherwise governed by Section 825 of the Government Code and upon request of the <br />employee against whom such claim or judgment is rendered, the City agrees to consider whether the <br />findings set forth in Section 825(b) (1) through (3) may be made. This provision in no way <br />obligates the City to pay punitive or exemplary damages unless it in fact makes those findings. <br />LAYOFF <br />The appointing authority may lay off an employee in the competitive service because of material <br />change in duties or organization or shortage of work or funds. If, by reason of expiration of a leave <br />of absence, reduction in personnel, demotion to the class, or other cause, there are more employees <br />in any class in the full-time competitive service than there are available positions in that class, the <br />employee last employed in the class shall be laid off; if such employee obtained such position by <br />promotion, he/she shall be demoted to the lower class from which he/she was promoted rather than <br />be laid off. Layoff or demotion shall be based upon the amount of seniority an employee has in the <br />classification he/she is occupying (i.e., the employee with the least amount of seniority in the class <br />shall be the first to be laid off or demoted, if job was obtained by promotion). <br />Forty days before the effective date of a layoff, the appointing authority and/or designee shall notify <br />the Personnel Director of the intended action with reasons therefore, and a statement certifying <br />whether or not the services of the employee have been satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be <br />given to the employee affected at that time. If certified as having given satisfactory service, the name <br />of the employee laid off shall be placed on the appropriate re-employment list. <br />Employees shall be given 30 days notice before the effective date of layoff. <br />All laid off employees shall be placed on a re-employment list for the class from which they were <br />laid off or demoted (i.e., the last person in the affected class to be laid off shall be the first re -hired <br />when openings occur in that class or any other of the same pay for which the employee is <br />qualified). If the employee on the re-employment list refuses the initial offer of re-employment, the <br />employee's name shall be placed at the end of the re-employment list. If the same employee refuses <br />proffered re-employment the second time, the employee shall be removed from the list and shall no <br />longer be eligible for re-employment as a laid off employee. <br />Employees on the re-employment list shall be offered positions for which they qualify before new <br />employees are hired. <br />Re-employment lists shall remain in effect for a period of one year. All employees on the re- <br />employment list shall be mailed notices of vacancies in the City for a period of one year after their <br />lay off. <br />FEMA REIMBURSED OVERTIME <br />In cases where there has been a declared emergency and the City receives cash reimbursement from <br />FEMA, the City will reimburse Unit employees for extraordinary overtime at a hour for hour basis. <br />FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEDULES <br />When operationally appropriate, and determined to be in the best interest of the City, Departments <br />may establish flexible work schedules. Establishment of such schedules shall be in the sole <br />