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MO 1999-001 to 1999-005
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-001 to 1999-005
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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John Jermanis - 3 - December 30, 1998 <br />Based upon these observations, staff recommended to the Sub Committee that the extension of <br />TCI's lease be postponed until these violations are corrected. With the City Council's approval, <br />staff will make a detailed inspection of the premises at 2850 Marina Boulevard, including the <br />interior of the facility, to determine if other violations exist or other breeches of the lease have <br />occurred. <br />Opportunity to Negotiate New Terms and Benefits With TCI <br />The City's Franchise Agreement with TCI will be up for renewal in the year 2007. This will be a <br />prime opportunity for the City to examine new technology opportunities, equipment upgrades <br />and service enhancements for the City, local schools and the customers of San Leandro. In <br />addition, in light of the rapidly changing telecommunications industry, the City may be in a <br />better position technologically in a few years to negotiate more benefits from the Franchise <br />Agreement at the time of the Franchise renewal. <br />TCI Cooperating With City Projects <br />As reported at the December 7 City Council meeting, TCI has been assisting the City with <br />technical advice in our efforts to obtain and install upgraded video equipment and a microwave <br />relay system. This new equipment will allow the City to enhance broadcasting of agendas, <br />meeting notices and even pre-recorded video tapes on the City's government channel. <br />TCI has also indicated a willingness to provide the television cabling for the library renovations <br />at no cost to the City. They are also willing to discuss the possibility of providing cabling and <br />services for @Home, TCI's new Internet service, for the main library and possibly the branch <br />libraries. At the December 7 City Council meeting, TCI's Government Affairs Coordinator <br />stated TCI is willing to also provide @Home to San Leandro schools and San Lorenzo schools <br />serving San Leandro students, a commitment staff intends to fully pursue for the benefit of our <br />school community. <br />CONCLUSION <br />Based upon further research and discussion staff recommends approval of the AT&T/TCI <br />merger. A resolution has been placed on the City Council's agenda for January 4 for <br />consideration of this matter. Staff further recommends postponement of TCI's lease extension at <br />2850 Marina Boulevard until violations are corrected. <br />The City Council Sub Committee has concurred with staff s recommendations to approve the <br />merger and postpone the lease extension. <br />109 <br />
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