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PD-98-2 & Vesting Tentative Map Tract No.7078 Page 2 of 22 <br />Recommended Conditions of Approval February 9, 1999 <br />E. Prior to approval of Final Map, the developer shall submit final landscape <br />and irrigation plans for the review and approval of the Development <br />Services Director. The plans shall include such details as, 1) Tree size, <br />species and location; 2) Shrubs and Groundcovers; 3) Installation <br />specifications; 4) Irrigation details; 5) Water conservation techniques; and <br />6) Maintenance Programs. The City may retain a landscape architect to <br />review the final landscape and irrigation plans to ensure compliance with <br />the exhibits showing landscaping. The developer shall be responsible for <br />all costs associated with the review of the final landscape and irrigation <br />plans. <br />F. Prior to approval of Final Map, the developer shall submit plans and <br />details for the perimeter soundwalls for the review and approval of the <br />Development Services Director. The plans and details shall show <br />location, height, decorative features such as pilasters and sections with <br />caps, and construction details showing materials and finishes to be used <br />for construction. <br />G. Prior to issuance of building permits, all building specifications shall be <br />submitted for review and approval of Development Services Director to <br />ensure the quality of the interior and exterior design. <br />H. The various approved house plans shall be dispersed so that no houses that <br />are the same design or color shall be located side by side. The proposed <br />footprints on in this planned development may be interchanged as long as <br />this condition is applied. <br />II. MITIGATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS <br />A. All mitigation measures indicated in the Mitigated Negative Declaration <br />shall be included and are hereby incorporated as Conditions of Approval. <br />The developer shall comply with and implement all provisions of the <br />Mitigation Monitoring Plan provided in the Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration. <br />B. Prior to approval of Final Map, the developer shall submit a plan <br />identifying the financial responsibility for complying with each mitigation <br />measure and identifying the methods with which each measure will be <br />implemented and shall post a bond or other acceptable security ensuring <br />the implementation of all mitigation measures. To the extent that the City <br />or any other governmental agency is responsible for supervising or <br />implementing any of the mitigation measures specified in the Mitigation <br />Monitoring Plan, the City or the governmental agency shall charge the <br />applicant for actual costs incurred. As regards the City, the charge for <br />