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PD-98-2 & Vesting Tentative Map Tract No.7078 Page 4 of 22 <br />Recommended Conditions of Approval February 9, 1999 <br />G. All house plans shall be engineered by a registered structural engineer <br />retained by the developer. To minimize the risk of damage to any <br />development from strong ground shaking during an earthquake, structures <br />shall be constructed using the site -specific provisions of the most recent <br />construction code enforced by the City. <br />H. The developer shall employ the engineer responsible for the structural <br />design, or another engineer designated by the engineer responsible for the <br />structural design, to perform structural observation in accordance with the <br />building code. Structural observation means the visual observation of the <br />structural system, for general conformance to the approved plans and <br />specifications at significant construction stages and at completion of the <br />structural system. <br />I. In addition to the inspections required by the building code, the developer <br />or the engineer or architect of record acting as the developer's agent shall <br />employ one or more special inspectors who shall provide inspections <br />during construction. The special inspector shall be approved by the Chief <br />Building Official. The City reserves the right to impose structural <br />standards that exceed the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. <br />J. Alternative means of ventilation shall be made available so that future <br />residents can maintain closed windows in the home. Windows on the first <br />floor homes adjacent (closest to and facing) the BART tracks must have a <br />minimum STC rating of 34. Windows on the second floor living spaces <br />facing the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks must have STC ratings of <br />35-40. <br />K. Final building plans submitted for building permit shall incorporate a <br />range of water conservation measures to substantially reduce average per <br />capita daily use. These measures shall include the use of equipment, <br />devices and methods for plumbing fixtures and irrigation that provide for <br />long-term efficient water use, subject to the review and approval of the <br />Development Services Director. <br />L. To reduce on -site water consumption and reduce the energy required for <br />the pumping and distribution of water, drought -resistant native species <br />shall be used for site landscaping where possible. <br />V. FENCING AND SCREENING REQUIREMENTS - <br />A. All fencing and walls on the project site shall be structurally sound, <br />graffiti- free and well maintained at all times. <br />