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City of San Leandro <br />Civic Center, 835 E. 14th Street <br />San Leandro, California 94577 <br />August 1, 2000 <br />Charles Foster, Executive Director <br />Port of Oakland <br />530 Water Street <br />Oakland, CA 94604 <br />Dear Mr. Foster: <br />and <br />The City of San Leandro is appreciative of the Port's efforts to keep us informed regarding the <br />proposed Airport Asphalt Concrete Overlay Project. As you can imagine, we have some significant <br />concerns regarding the impacts to our community from this project. <br />Our primary concerns are: 1) the amount of aircraft noise that will be brought to this community <br />when flights are diverted to the North Field during construction, and 2) the air quality and emissions <br />that our neighborhoods will be subjected to from the increased overflights and taxiing. We also <br />have concerns about the truck traffic on our surface streets when asphalt and construction materials <br />are brought onto the airport property. <br />Your staff has asked for a recommendation from the City regarding the three closure scenarios that <br />have been proposed for the construction periods. We believe it is vitally important that our <br />community have an opportunity to understand and voice their preference for the closure scenario <br />they see as being the least intrusive into their quality of lives. Therefore, before the City passes on <br />our recommendation for our preferred closure scenario, we insist that you hold a community <br />information meeting in San Leandro to share information about this project with the residents who <br />will be most greatly disturbed by the diversion of flights to the North Field. City staff will gladly <br />work with you to coordinate the meeting. <br />In addition, as early as possible, we expect your offices to fully brief City staff and local <br />neighborhood association representatives regarding the plan for your public information campaign <br />in advance of the project. <br />I look forward to your reply. <br />Sincerely, <br />Shelia Young <br />Mayor <br />cc: City Council <br />Shelia Young, Mayor E <br />City Council: Gordon A. Galvan; <br />Garry A. Loeffler; <br />Bob Glaze; Surlene G. Grant; <br />Joanne M. Lothrop; Glenda Nardine <br />5 <br />