Laserfiche WebLink
Rules of Decorum <br />1. We respect your right to participate as citizens, but we <br />expect you to be courteous and polite to the Council, the <br />City staff and other members of the public. <br />2. We respect your right to disagree but we expect you to <br />express your disagreement only at the podium at the <br />appropriate time. <br />3. We respect your right to dispute the recommendations of <br />the City staff and we value our employees and the work <br />they do. We ask you to discuss facts and not attack <br />personalities. <br />4. We have zero tolerance for inflammatory, racist, or <br />similar hateful comments from the public. We also have <br />zero tolerance for any displays of support or opposition <br />from the audience as a whole. We expect the public to <br />respect the right of the Council to deliberate in a <br />responsible and deliberate fashion. <br />