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CITY COUNCIL RULES AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE <br />MARCH 23, 1999 <br />MEETING NOTES <br />1. Continued Discussion Regarding Naming of City Property After A. W. <br />"Watt" Bruner and Lee Bruner <br />Staff indicated that there are two plaques at the southeast corner of Estudillo and East 141h <br />Street currently. One dedicating the Plaza as a Redevelopment Agency Project in 1983 <br />and the other by the Alta Mira Club, dedicating the Plaza to the early settlers of San <br />Leandro. <br />The Committee was supportive of placing an additional plaque at the southeast corner of <br />Estudillo and East 14` Street naming the area "Bruner Plaza" in memory of A. W. <br />"Watt" Bruner and Lee Bruner. Staff was directed to prepare language for the plaque, <br />check with the family to ensure the language is appropriate, and order the plaque which is <br />to be placed at an appropriate location around the fountain or in the flower pot area. <br />2. Continued Discussion Regarding Policy on Individual Council Members' <br />Positions on Political Issues <br />The Committee was supportive of the proposed Guidelines for Council Member <br />Correspondence as discussed at the last meeting and approved forwarding them to the full <br />Council for a motion to include them into the City Council Member Handbook as a <br />reference. The guidelines address transmittal of individual opinions to elected officials <br />and/or other governmental agencies. <br />3. Continued Discussion regarding Board and Commission Application <br />Revisions <br />The Committee reviewed the proposed questions to revise the Board and Commission <br />Applications. The questions that have been added ask for information on whether a <br />person has ever been convicted (or is trail pending) of any violation of the law, excluding <br />minor traffic violations; and if a person has been cited for violating any city ordinances <br />within the last 12 months. A statement that the information provided will not prohibit <br />them from being considered for appointment is at the bottom of the application. Also, <br />optional references (up to three) are also added to the application. <br />4. Continued Discussion Regarding Suggested Guidelines for Mayor and City <br />Council Travel <br />Guidelines as they relate to travel expenses, travel arrangements, transportation options, <br />travel extension (prior to or following official business), accommodations, spouse or <br />partner expenses, international travel and travel expense reports were discussed. Issues <br />such as collection of expenses in excess of what is allowable, and per diem expenses <br />16 _� <br />Rules and Communications Committee Meeting Notes <br />March 23, 1999 <br />