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MO 1999-016 to 1999-020
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-016 to 1999-020
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7/12/2022 2:55:54 PM
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7/12/2022 2:54:45 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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PD-99-1 - 2 - April 14, 1999 <br />The proposal under this planned development is a 5,944 square -foot industrial building divided <br />into three tenant spaces, with each space being approximately 2,000 square feet in area. The <br />building is located 15 feet from the rear property line and a minimum of ten feet from the two <br />street frontage property lines. Parking is located in front of the building, extending out close to <br />the street intersection. The parking area will also have generous landscaped setbacks from the <br />two street frontages. The site plan provides 16 parking spaces, resulting in a parking ratio of one <br />space per 375 square feet of building area. Staff recommended, and the Commission concurred, <br />that 3 of the 16 parking spaces be removed to increase landscaping around the parking area. The <br />remaining 13 spaces will give a parking ratio of 1 space per 457 square feet of building area. <br />This exceeds the parking requirement for most industrial uses that would occupy this building. <br />Access is permitted from Washington Avenue and San Leandro Boulevard and is restricted to <br />right turns in and out. <br />The building will be stucco, with a composition shingle roof. Sectional roll -up doors will <br />provide access to the storage or work area of each tenant space. These will permit access into <br />the building by small trucks such as pick-ups and vans, but not larger trucks. There will be a six- <br />foot high concrete block refuse area with solid metal doors to screen any dumpsters. <br />Thirty-two percent of the site area will be in landscaping. This generously exceeds the five - <br />percent site area landscaping required in the IL District. Landscape materials will consist of a <br />variety of trees, shrubs and ground cover. An automatic irrigation system will be provided. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The Planning Commission was supportive of the proposed development, however, they required <br />a number of minor changes in the plans as follows: <br />• Require a condition that there be no roof -mounted mechanical (HVAC) equipment. It will <br />either have to be placed within the building, or on the outside of the building on grade, with <br />adequate screening. <br />• The rear property -line fence shall be an 8-foot high wood fence. <br />• Landscape modifications as follows: <br />■ The landscaping along the two street frontages adjacent to the parking and the corner <br />radius, shall be bermed. <br />■ At the corner, there shall be a total of three conifer backdrop trees, as well as some <br />flowering trees in the foreground. <br />■ Along the street frontages, the private street trees shall be high branching, larger trees that <br />are moved closer to the street. <br />■ The existing oak and conifer tree shall be saved, details subject to approval of the <br />Development Services Director. <br />
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