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PD-99-1 - 3 - April 14, 1999 <br />■ All trees shall be a minimum of 24-inch box trees, except those in the rear yard patios. <br />■ The sign program shall be brought back to the Planning Commission for review, if they <br />choose to do any signs other than those on the front building wall. <br />■ On the front of the building, at the loading doors, any raised architectural elements below <br />8 feet in height, shall be wood and stucco; over 8 feet may be foam, covered with stucco. <br />■ Along the street frontages, in front of the shrubs that screen the parking lot, there shall be <br />smaller shrubs to create a step-down effect. <br />■ In the planter boxes along the front of the building, there shall be trellises with vine <br />planting or espaliers. <br />■ The vine planting on the refuse enclosure shall be clinging vines. <br />■ Prior to issuance of a building permit or encroachment permit, a landscape maintenance <br />agreement between the City and the property owner for maintenance of all landscaping <br />within the City right-of-way, shall be recorded. <br />CONCLUSION <br />It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that this proposal be a very attractive addition <br />to this major intersection. The building has a residential appearance that will blend in with the <br />other nearby residential developments. The development will be heavily landscaped to screen <br />the parking and enhance the appearance of the development. <br />The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council take the following action: <br />1. Approve PD-99-1 by motion. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Amended Conditions of Approval <br />Planning Commission Staff report dated April 1, 1999 <br />Excerpts of Unapproved Planning Commission Minutes dated April 8, 1999 <br />Exhibit A — Site Plan <br />Exhibit B — Building Elevations <br />Exhibit C — Landscape Plan <br />Aerial photo of site and surrounding area <br />