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Kristan Bible Church A-00-5/PD-00-4 - 3 - September 26, 2000 <br />Code Compliance Review <br />N/A <br />Board/Commission Findings <br />This proposal has been reviewed for its consistency with the General Plan and its impact on the <br />neighborhood and surrounding area. The Commission finds that the zoning change and the <br />planned development are consistent with the General Plan and will result in an upgrade in the <br />area. The commission was concerned about people parking on the east side of Mac Arthur <br />Boulevard and crossing the street to the church. They suggested the possibility of creating signs <br />requesting motorists to look out for pedestrians in the area. The Commission commented on the <br />parking impact of two new churches in the immediate area. Staff replied that there was adequate <br />separation between the two churches so there would not be competition for parking spaces. The <br />Commission added conditions requiring removal of the existing freestanding sign and review by <br />the Development Services Department after one year of operation to assure that conditions <br />related to repainting and relandscaping the building have been met satisfactorily by the applicant. <br />The adopted Commission findings are an attachment to this report. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />As required by State law, a public notice was mailed to all property owners within 300 feet of the <br />project site. Notice was also published in the Daily Review and posted in the surrounding <br />neighborhood. The notice briefly described the project and included the phone number of the <br />project planner for response to any questions regarding the proposal. <br />In the supporting information, the applicant states that they met with the Broadmoor <br />Homeowners Association president to discuss the project. They said they also met with the <br />immediate neighbors and they advertise in the Broadmoor Beacon, the newsletter of the <br />homeowners association. Goodman, President of the Broadmoor Neighborhood Association, <br />spoke during the public hear. He said the church had greatly improved their property and <br />maintained it at a level that was far superior to many other properties in the area. He said that on <br />Sunday morning he found absolutely no parking problems on either side of the street near the <br />church. <br />Fiscal Impact <br />N/A <br />Budget Authority <br />N/A <br />19 <br />