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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MINUTE ORDER <br />NO, 2000-49 <br />(Amended/Changed 10-02-00) <br />SUBJECT: Joint Alameda County/City of San Leandro Redevelopment Plan; <br />Matter of Amendment to the Joint Alameda County/City of San Leandro <br />Redevelopment Plan Relating to Extension of Eminent Domain (extends <br />eminent -domain authority to a limited number of commercially and <br />industrially zoned properties in the City and unincorporated portions of the <br />Project Area <br />MEETING DATE: September 18, 2000 <br />Minute Order No. 2000-49, Matter of Amendment to the Joint Alameda County/City of San <br />Leandro Redevelopment Plan Relating to Extension of Eminent Domain (extends eminent - <br />domain authority to a limited number of commercially and industrially zoned properties in the <br />City and unincorporated portions of the Project Area). (2888) <br />The City Council: <br />** (1) Continued the Joint City Council/San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Public <br />Hearing to the November 13, 2000, City Council Meeting, for a Joint Public Hearing <br />regarding only the properties within the City Limits of San Leandro; <br />(2) Continued the Joint Public Hearing to the December 4, 2000, City Council Meeting, <br />for a Joint Public Hearing regarding only the properties in the unincorporated area <br />of Alameda County; <br />(4) Directed staff to bring recommendations to the City Council in October for the <br />formation of a Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) for the Joint <br />Redevelopment Project Area; the members to include representatives of businesses <br />in the Project Area and adjacent residential areas. <br />M/S/C Nardine and Loeffler. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />i <br />ollowing "Public Comments," the City Council' amended 1kli Order No o..` <br />sf =i=s zsz;{£i{ =£i sf s z E # s s £ £z z# E(I <br />t t{ ss f s r) { s •# s> s>>'3s. follows, .See MinuteOrder;lVo. 2000-50.] ££{_ ,.>.>,:_;>£>t};>.>f=1f£I};`,£#,1£.#ftft£'#f.�.>f<l# <br />Gayle Petersen, City Clerk <br />GP:dd <br />Attachment <br />ENINORDER\2000\091800.. MO-2 <br />