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Kristan Bible Church A-00-5/PD-00-4 - 2 - September 26, 2000 <br />• A church proposal in any other zoning district can be considered through the planned <br />development process. <br />• There is no current City Council policy regarding churches in commercial zoned districts, but <br />priority is on developing core commercial areas with supporting retail businesses and services. <br />Previous City Council Action <br />The City Council recently approved the expansion of the Faith Fellowship Church on Manor <br />Boulevard. Faith Fellowship recently purchased the Faria Brothers Hardware property adjacent <br />to their existing facility. They received planned development approval from the City Council (PD- <br />99-5) to expand onto the Faria Brothers property. <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />N/A <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />Under the current General Plan City Goals and Policies related to land use is the following policy: <br />Page V — 98 Policy 6. The City will take an active role in efforts to retain business and industries <br />now located in the City, to encourage new firms to locate here and to assist <br />in the economic re -use of properties left vacant by business closure or <br />relocation. <br />The existing building on the property has been underutilized for many years. The church has <br />purchased the property and has made improvements to both the interior and exterior of the <br />building and further improvements are proposed. They have operated at this location for several <br />years. The rezoning and planned development has been applied for, at this time, to all for <br />expansion to use the entire building. <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />N/A <br />Environmental Review <br />Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the rezoning and planned development <br />are categorically exempt from CEQA as the reuse of an existing building and minor modification <br />to land use regulations under Article 19, Section 15301 Class 1. Therefore, no environmental <br />review is required. <br />V. <br />