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employee, should report the behavior to their supervisor immediately. In the event <br />that the other involved party is a Supervisor, Manager or Command Officer, the <br />employee shall immediately report the incident to any other Manager or Commander <br />in higher authority than the involved party. If an employee does not feel comfortable <br />reporting the incident to a higher -ranking individual in their Department, the <br />employee should immediately report the incident to the Director of Human <br />Resources. The report may be made orally or in writing. In all cases, the Director <br />of Human Resources should be immediately informed of any allegations regarding <br />sexual harassment and/or discrimination. <br />3. All complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination shall be treated seriously. The <br />appropriate Department Head, in consult with the Director of Human Resources, <br />shall take the necessary steps to initiate an investigation of the allegations as quickly <br />as possible after the allegations and/or observations are made. With approval from <br />Human Resources, the investigation may be conducted by the Department. <br />Otherwise, all investigations shall be conducted by the Human Resources <br />Department. <br />4. If the acts complained of are not very serious and it is believed that the accused party <br />may not realize that his/her conduct is offensive or in violation of City Policy, the <br />Department, in consultation and/or with assistance from Human Resources, may use <br />an informal process to stop the conduct and to make sure that it never occurs again. <br />However, this informal process may only be used if the complaining employee wants <br />to resolve the problem informally, rather than make a formal complaint. In no event <br />can the informal process be used if the acts complained of are serious; if the accused <br />employee continued to engage in the offensive conduct after the complaining <br />employee told the accused employee to stop; or if the complaining employee wishes <br />to file a formal complaint. <br />5. In all other cases a complete investigation should be made as soon as possible. The <br />Department Head, if appropriate, in consult with the Director of Human Resources, <br />shall determine who shall conduct the sexual harassment/discrimination <br />investigation, making sure that the individual chosen is able to conduct the <br />investigation fairly, thoroughly and objectively. If the Department conducts the <br />investigation, the Director of Human Resources shall be informed and kept apprised <br />of the steps and results of the investigation. <br />/ 4 10/31 /00 <br />