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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />May 22, 1999 <br />MAY 2 6 1999 <br />Mayor Shelia Young and City Councilmembers <br />City Manager John Jermanis CITY CLEWS OFFICE <br />835 E. 14th St. <br />San Leandro, CA 94577 <br />The San Leandro Chamber of Commerce and the undersigned Homeowners <br />Associations of San Leandro respectfully ask that the City Council direct the City <br />Attorney to draft suitable language which would amend the Charter and call for the <br />election of the City Council and Mayor by a majority rather than plurality of registered <br />voters. <br />We believe the current system (plurality), which elects candidates by a "top vote <br />getter wins all" system or as Webster defines, "in an election, an excess of votes over <br />any other candidate for the same office," is in need of reform and should be placed <br />before the voters of San Leandro for such consideration on the March, 2000, primary <br />ballot. <br />The Chamber and undersigned Homeowners Associations believe this action <br />should occur promptly. <br />Thank you for your consideration and attention. <br />Sincere , <br />Glenn Hilton, President, Best Manor's HOA <br />Mike Betts, SLCoC <br />r! fe, � <br />I —a-,�Jx <br />M.-son Rashid, Davis West Citizen's Group Larry Nor , President, MGZA <br />Mary Jo even, Pres., Farrelly/Pond N.A. <br />Chuck Sweet, Pres., Golden State MHL <br />Tony Sotos, MFHOA <br />Albert Paladini, Pres., Hunt. Park HOA <br />Robert Leigh, <br />i <br />