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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />STAFF REPORT <br />Date: <br />To: <br />From: <br />By: <br />Subject: <br />July 13, 1999 <br />John Jermanis, City Manager <br />APPROVED AND <br />FORWARDED <br />TO CITY COUNCIL <br />Jo . Jermanis : 1 <br />Cit anager ` <br />Steve Emslie, Development Services Director WC/ <br />Hanson Hom, Planning Manage <br />Supplemental Staff Report Regarding A-99-2 and PD-99-2, Proposed Hotel and <br />Self -Storage Facility at Lewelling Boulevard and Embers Way <br />Staff has just received a letter from Kevin Carter of Cubix Construction (applicant/property <br />owner), dated July 12, 1999, that requests that the City Council amend six of the Conditions of <br />Approval for the project as recommended by the Planning Commission. The requested <br />amendments pertain to conditions that were recommended by the Commission to ensure an <br />adequate landscape buffer between the proposed hotel and the residences across the flood control <br />channel, to provide a better setting for the historic Captain Robert's house, and to soften the <br />appearance of the hotel roof. The applicant is also requesting a landscaping modification to <br />improve the visibility of the proposed sign for the self -storage facility, and to allow for slightly <br />longer truck hauling hours during the construction period. <br />The subject conditions were discussed and added by the Planning Commission after a thorough <br />evaluation of the project and consideration of public testimony at three Commission meetings. <br />These conditions focus on improving the architectural appearance of the hotel and mitigating the <br />visual and noise impacts of the project on adjacent residences. Staff feels that the suggested <br />revisions would compromise these objectives. Staff has not had sufficient opportunity, however, <br />to discuss these items with the applicant or to explore alternative wording or other options that <br />may relieve the concerns of the applicant. Unless the City Council believes that these revisions <br />warrant further discussion and review, Staff recommends that the Council approve the project <br />with the Conditions of Approval as forwarded by the Planning Commission. <br />Attachment: <br />Letter from Cubix Construction, dated July 12, 1999 <br />GAhanson\citycouncikagenda reports <br />