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MO 1999-046 to 1999-050
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-046 to 1999-050
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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JUL--IJ-'y7 11 JI HI'1 -UV A- --11J IrtVim <br />- <br />. l�l� <br />CubiX <br />Construction <br />Company <br />770 San Ramon Valley Blvd. <br />Danville, California 94526 USA <br />Phone: 925.314.0770 <br />FAX: 925.314.0771 <br />e-mail: <br />Contractor License No. 1-1,1402 <br />July 12, 1999 <br />RECEIVED <br />SAN LEANDRO <br />City of San Leandro, Mayor & City Council JUL 13 1999 <br />c/o Hunsoti ilout and/or Elsner Peneranda <br />13(X) — 148th AVOnuC DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPT. <br />San Leandro, CA 94578 <br />Subject: Hawthorne Suites Hotel & All safe Self -Storage / 524-526 Lewelling Blvd. @ Embers Way <br />A-99-2 & PD-99-2 / Requested Changes to Recommended Conditions of Approval <br />Dear Mr. Hom & Mr. Peneranda: <br />Per our previous conversations, the foll(.)wing are our requested changes to the Recommended Conditions of <br />Approval. We are requesting these conditions be modified prior to the City Council meeting to reduce the <br />length of the Council meeting. We will send a separate letter with more detail for the Council'.-; review for <br />those ilerns that can not be changed at a staff level. <br />IV.A.L — The Planning Commissions intent was to provide adequate screening for the residents across the <br />channel, while providing adequate space for root growth. Given the additional mitigation we have offered <br />on the residential side of the channel, the addition of the solid fence behind the hotel, and the fact the <br />canopy of the trees will be 20-25' warrant a relaxation of this condition. We believe the intent of the <br />Conurtissiorl can be met by allowing a flexible solution as follows: " Minimum 24" box trees shall he <br />planted at 15-20' on center spacing along the southerly edge of the hotel site. The final spacing of the trees <br />shall be determined based on parking stall conflicts, space available and providing adequate space for riot <br />growth. This may require expansion of the planter area in some locations." <br />iV.A.4. — Please eliminate the requirement for the fence in front of the Victorian. The yard fence will segment <br />the front yard, making it appear small in comparison to the overall project, and detractfrom project entry. <br />The fencing was added prior to the modification of the elevations, <br />1V.A.11. — Please modify the last line to he "— exceed the height of the storage building." We are requesting <br />this limitation to allow visibility of the sign on Building C to northbound 1-980, 'this conceptwas approved <br />by the Planning Commission for the trees in front ol'Building A for the sign on Building C intended for <br />southbound 1-880 traffic. <br />IV.B. — Please add the following as the last sentence for this condition: "The developer shall not be required to <br />spend more than $2,0(X) maximum per property or $1,200 average per property. <br />V.A.S. — Please delete this Condition to allow for the proposed roofing material. Phis Is a significant cost <br />impact to the Project fur little benefit. Changing the roof to a metal roof with a shingle print will cost about <br />$85.000. Making the roof tilc will require a change to the structural design of the hotel, costing <br />approxinnately $ 150-180,000. <br />
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