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SAN LEANDRO CITY COUNCIL <br />STAFF REPORT <br />DATE: November 5, 1999 <br />TO: John Jermanis, City Manager <br />APPROVED AND FORWARDED <br />TO THE CITY COUNCIL <br />M 0 q4 -<21 <br />fT1 D 99 - �g <br />l 1—I S-99 <br />J rmanis �l )9i/ f0l <br />Feanager <br />—191921 <br />FROM: Don Fleming, Interim Development Services Directo <br />BY: Elmer Penaranda, Assistant City Planner <br />SUBJECT: A-99-2; Reclassification from CC Community Commercial District to CC(PD) <br />Community Commercial Planned Development Overlay District; and <br />PD-99-2; Planned Development to consider a revised plan to construct a four- <br />story, 121 room hotel and a 137,000 square foot self -storage facility; 524-526 <br />Lewelling Boulevard (south side of Lewelling Boulevard at Embers Way); <br />Assessor's Parcel Number 412-11-1-7; K. Carter, Cubix Construction Company <br />(applicant), S. Boersma (property owner). <br />SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br />At the City Council meeting of September 20, the applicant presented a revised conceptual site plan <br />that relocated the hotel closer to Lewelling Boulevard and placed the self -storage facility along the <br />flood control channel. The plan showed the self -storage facility serving as a buffer between the <br />hotel and the San Lorenzo residences located to the south of the site. <br />The City Council, after its review of the revised site plan, found it acceptable in addressing the San <br />Lorenzo residents' concerns and approved in concept the revised plan. The applications were <br />referred back to the Planning Commission for a public hearing and recommendation with <br />appropriate revisions to the Conditions of Approval. <br />At the Planning Commission meeting of October 14, the Commission also found that the revised <br />plans addressed the San Lorenzo residents concerns. The Commission modified the Conditions <br />of Approval and voted to recommend to the City Council to adopt the Negative Declaration, <br />approve A-99-2 and to approve PD-99-2 with the recommended Findings and Conditions of <br />Approval, as amended by the Commission (MSC Ravenstad/Collier, 6 ayes; I absent, Reed). <br />Specifically, the Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council take the <br />following actions: <br />A. Adopt by motion the attached Mitigated Negative Declaration that provides mitigation <br />measures required for the project to avoid significant effects on the environment; <br />I <br />