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City Council Staff Report <br />A-99-2 & PD-99-2 <br />November 5, 1999 <br />Page 3 of 8 <br />Rezoning <br />The applicant is proposing to rezone the site to a CC(PD) District. The rezoning permits <br />development of the property with some flexibility toward zoning requirements under the planned <br />development process. <br />Planned Development <br />The planned development is for a 121 room, four-story hotel and a one-, two-, and three-story <br />self -storage facility with approximately 137,000 square feet of floor area. The site has a total <br />area of 5.47 acres. It will be divided into two parcels: 2.11 acres for the hotel and 3.36 acres for <br />the self -storage. Reciprocal easements between the divided parcels will be provided for access, <br />utilities and maintenance. <br />Access to site the will be a driveway at Lewelling Boulevard near the intersection of Embers <br />Way and another driveway on Embers Way in front of the hotel. <br />Hotel <br />The hotel will be a Hawthorne Suites Limited which is a product designed for the business <br />traveler. Kitchens will not be provided in this hotel, but will include a small refrigerator and a <br />microwave oven in the rooms. In addition to the 121 guestrooms, the plans for the ground floor <br />public spaces include the foyer, an exercise room, spa, two meeting rooms (75-person capacity <br />total), a boardroom, breakfast room, and lounge. <br />Self -Storage <br />The self -storage facility will be for Allsafe Self Storage. It will be constructed on the 3.36-acre, <br />"L-shape" site. The storage facility will have approximately 137,000 square feet (reduced from <br />previous proposal for 150,000 square feet) that will include three, one-story storage buildings; <br />one, two-story storage building; and one, three-story storage building. The existing Victorian <br />home will serve as the office and manager's residences. The facility will have approximately <br />935 storage units. <br />The self -storage facility would be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and the office would be <br />open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Three full-time resident managers will be employed at the site <br />with one part-time relief manager. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />The Hotel Project - Parking and Traffic <br />The off-street parking was reduced one -space to 116, however the managed parking component <br />for the hotel will still be used. The proposed Emergency Vehicle Access (EVA) between the <br />hotel site and the self -storage will be required to be relocated to the west side of the trash <br />enclosure. This will negate the obstruction of the EVA with valet parked vehicles. Thus, <br />3 <br />