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MO 1999-066 to 1999-070
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-066 to 1999-070
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7/12/2022 3:09:42 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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City Council Staff Report November 5, 1999 <br />A-99-2 & PD-99-2 Page 4 of 8 <br />adequate parking will be provided (134 required) by incorporating valet parking when necessary <br />and providing overflow parking on the self -storage site. In the event additional overflow parking <br />is necessary, the hotel operator is prepared to make arrangements to use the nearby commercial <br />properties (i.e., auto supply site, next door). Furthermore, the hotel operator will offer a shuttle <br />to and from the hotel and the Oakland Airport. <br />The project will still have a right -turn lane and an acceleration lane at the Embers Way driveway <br />for safety in getting in and out of the Ember's traffic flow. <br />Lewelling Boulevard Driveway <br />Left turns out onto Lewelling Boulevard will not be allowed unless a plan for modification of the <br />Lewelling Boulevard and Embers Way intersection and traffic signal can be found satisfactory to <br />the City Engineer and Transportation Administrator to allow safe left turns from the driveway. <br />Review by Caltrans and the County of Alameda will also be required. <br />The Planning Commission's recommendation is still included that requires the cost for any <br />approved signal and intersection modifications to be borne entirely by the developer/property <br />owner, with no participation from the City or Redevelopment Agency. <br />Hotel Roof <br />The applicant intends to comply with the recommended condition that the roof material will be <br />revised to a concrete tile or other shingled appearance type material. Please see the attached <br />elevations. <br />Landscaping <br />The revised landscape plan shows the street trees at approximately 40- to 45-feet on center. This <br />is a greater separation than originally shown on the former site plan. Staff is recommending <br />another larger, faster growing variety of street trees with a minimum size of 24-inch box and a <br />maximum spacing of 30 feet on center. In addition, staff is recommending a substitution for the <br />proposed Yarwood Sycamore street tree. Staff is also recommending that larger evergreen trees <br />be used when possible as a buffer between the hotel and the self -storage site, instead of purple - <br />leaf plums, strawberry trees or shrubs by themselves. Staff recommends a condition of approval <br />that 15-gallon trees with a maximum spacing of 20-feet on center be planted within the westerly <br />and southerly perimeters of the hotel site. In addition, the perimeter planter is to maintain a <br />minimum dimension of five -feet in width to accommodate the tree and shrub planting. The <br />parking lot trees should also be a larger growing canopy tree to buffer the height and mass of the <br />hotel. <br />The Self Storage Project <br />The recommended conditions of approval to improve the exterior setting for the former Captain <br />Roberts House will be retained. Those conditions include decorative paving and landscaping in <br />front of the home. A minimum of five evergreen trees with a minimum size of 24-inches is to be <br />
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