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CITY COUNCIL OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MINUTE ORDER <br />NO. 99-72 <br />SUBJECT: Matter of A-99-4; Reclassification from P Professional District to RM- <br />3000 (PD) Residential, Multi -Family Planned Development Overlay <br />District; PD-994; Planned Development to Construct Five (5), Three - <br />Bedroom and Two -Bath, Two -Story Townhouse Units on a Vacant <br />14,175-Square-Foot Parcel Located on the South Side of Estudillo Avenue <br />Opposite Huff Avenue; 461 and 473 Estudillo Avenue; Assessor's Parcel <br />Numbers 77-539-18-2 and 19-2; Westco Community Builders, Inc.; and <br />Vesting Tentative May, Tract 7154; Five (5)-Unit Subdivision Creating <br />Individual Parcels for Each of the Proposed Townhouse Units <br />MEETING DATE: November 15, 1999 <br />Minute Order No. 99-72, Motion Approving the Planned Development, PD-99-4 for 461 and <br />473 Estudillo Avenue, Subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. (1099/1009/2876) <br />The City Council approved the Planned Development, PD-99-4 for 461 and 473 Estudillo <br />Avenue, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval. <br />M/S/C Loeffler and Glaze. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: Galvan <br />Gayle Petersen <br />City Clerk <br />GP:dd <br />Attachment <br />FAMINORDER\1999\111599.MO-7 <br />