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SUGGESTED GUIDELINES FOR MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL TRAVEL <br />Purpose: The following are meant to be suggested guidelines for travel by the Mayor and <br />City Council when on official duty. It is recognized and acknowledged that there are <br />occasions when travel by the Mayor and/or City Council Member(s) is of an urgent <br />nature and, because of the need to respond quickly. In such cases, the expectation would <br />be that the City Council would be informed of such travel by the City Manager. <br />City Council's travel <br />Each Council Member's travel allocation will be based on four (4) travel / educational <br />opportunities budgeted as follows: <br />• 2 trips associated with National League of Cities (assumes annual conference <br />in December and legislative conference in March) <br />2 trips associated with League of California Cities (assumes annual <br />conference alternating between Northern and Southern California) and the <br />City Council Executive Forum in Monterey <br />Historically the City Council has made an effort to attend at least the League of <br />California Cities Executive Forum, typically held in Monterey during the summer. It is <br />strongly recommended that the Mayor and all City Council Members continue to attend <br />this conference as a group. <br />City Council Members are able, at their own discretion, to substitute other travel / <br />educational seminars in -lieu of three of the trips identified above, only if the appropriated <br />budget for that Council Member's fiscal year travel is not exceeded by such substitutions. <br />If the travel budget for a Council Member is exceeded, the Rules and Communications <br />Committee will review City Council Member's request for an additional travel allocation <br />prior to City Council consideration of the associated budget amendment. <br />Mayor's travel <br />In addition to the above mentioned four (4) travel opportunities provided to the other City <br />Council Members, the Mayor's travel appropriation will include: <br />• 2 trips associated with the U.S. Conference of Mayors (budgeted per out-of- <br />state travel). <br />Travel Guidelines for League of California Cities' Polite Committee Members <br />It is the City's policy that the City will pay actual travel expenses (no per diem) for <br />committee members traveling as ex officio member of another agency (such as serving <br />on any of the League's Policy Committees or Task Forces. The estimated travel <br />expenses associated with League committee appointments will be reviewed by the Rules <br />39 <br />