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• Reimbursement for airfare (see guideline below), ground transportation to/from <br />airport, airport parking, and official business -related phone calls, fax <br />transmissions, and shipping charges. <br />Travel Arrangements <br />Administrative staff will be available to make travel arrangements, including airfare and <br />ground transportation for the City Council through one of the authorized travel agents <br />routinely used by the City. <br />Ai rfare/Transportation <br />If a meeting and/or conference takes place in a county other than Alameda, Contra Costa, <br />Solano, Napa, Sonoma, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, or Santa Clara, Council <br />Members may request mileage reimbursement separate from the monthly vehicle <br />reimbursement provided for the City Council. <br />Travel Extensions (prior to or following official business) <br />Should a Council Member decide to extend his/her travel or visit other destination(s) en <br />route for personal reasons, all expenses associated with such extensions shall be the <br />obligation of the Council Member and shall be borne by the individual Council Member. <br />Such expenses include hotel, meals, and transportation for the additional day(s) of stay. <br />The City will not pay for expenses associated with personal travel. <br />Accommodations <br />The City will reserve and pay for (room and tax only) hotel accommodations and any <br />self -parking at the conference hotel or the next closest and available hotel to the <br />conference/business location. The City will pay for single occupancy hotel <br />accommodations only, except if the room is shared with another City Council Member. <br />Spouse or Guest Expenses <br />If spouse or guest accompanies the Council Member while the Council Member is <br />traveling on official duty, the City will not provide any advance or additional payment for <br />the Council Member's spouse or guest. Costs associated with the spouse's or guest's air <br />transportation, meals, any additional cost in room (if there is a difference between single <br />and double occupancy rates), and ground transportation will be borne by the Council <br />Member and will not be pre -paid by the City. <br />Charges made to the room for personal expenses associated with dining in hotel <br />restaurants, in -room refreshments, purchases made in hotel stores, or other personal <br />services provided by the hotel will be the responsibility of the Council Member upon <br />checking out of the hotel. The City strongly encourages each Council Member to pay for <br />such expenses upon checkout from the hotel. <br />4()w <br />