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MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1999-071 to 1999-075
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7/12/2022 3:11:16 PM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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A-99-4/PD-99-4 - 4 - November 9, 1999 <br />Architecture <br />The applicant recently completed a similar project at the corner of Thornton Avenue and San <br />Leandro Boulevard. This project will have a very similar building design. However, the <br />architect has developed a number of architectural enhancements that will upgrade the appearance <br />of the units in comparison to the Thornton Avenue project. These include stucco stone accent <br />veneer, arched transom window, stucco corbel, accent stucco wainscot, sectional roll -up garage <br />doors with windows, wood shutters, decorative wood details under some of the windows, stucco <br />planter boxes and darker colors for trim accent. This will give the units a more individual <br />appearance. <br />School Impact <br />The applicant has met with Robert Nehls, Jr., Deputy Superintendent of Schools. The addition of <br />5 units will have little or no impact on local schools. The developer has agreed to pay the <br />maximum statutory fee of $1.93 per square foot plus statutorily permissible escalations. After <br />the district's adoption of a new developer school fee in January of 2000, the developer will pay <br />the school fee that is statutorily required. A copy of a letter from the developer to the school <br />district addressing school impact fees is attached. <br />STAFF ANALYSIS <br />The Planning Commission carefully reviewed and discussed the proposed development. The <br />Commission felt the developer had created a product that was highly appropriate for the <br />downtown and BART areas of San Leandro. The project will provide new ownership housing in <br />an older area that has not had any new housing for many years. The proposed development will <br />be compatible with surrounding residential and professional office uses. The Planning <br />Commission had the following comments and recommended revision to the Conditions of <br />Approval after discussing the Plans: <br />■ The Commission suggested that the garages be equipped with electric garage openers in <br />order to make garage entry safer and to avoid street congestion. <br />■ The Commission suggested stronger color distinctions, suggesting reds, browns and yellows <br />as opposed to whites, beige and tans. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW <br />This project has been reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). <br />The Initial Study concluded that the Planned Development and Vesting Tentative Maps would <br />not have a significant impact on the environment. A Negative Declaration has been prepared <br />(see attached). The Negative Declaration was circulated for the 20-day review period, which <br />ended on October 13, 1999. The Planning Commission and Staff recommend the City Council <br />adopt the Negative Declaration. <br />1v0 <br />
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