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percentage of 40% of basic monthly earnings with a maximum gross <br />monthly benefit of $5,000. The plan shall provide a six month <br />elimination period, benefits payable to age 65 with two years <br />"own" occupation and partial disability benefits. The City shall <br />make available for employees, the ability to purchase additional <br />long term disability insurance, at no cost to the City, subject <br />to the rules, regulations, enrollment requirements and exclusions <br />set forth by the insurance carrier. <br />UNIFORM ALLOWANCE <br />In the first year of this Memorandum of Understanding, a uniform <br />allowance of Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750.00) Dollars is allowed <br />for sworn public safety managers. Effective March 1, 1999, the <br />Uniform Allowance shall be increased to Eight Hundred ($800.00) <br />Dollars. <br />VACATION LEAVE <br />Vacation leave for each full-time employee shall be accrued and <br />credited for the pay period in which it was earned. An employee <br />holding a full-time position shall be entitled to a vacation <br />leave which shall consist of five -sixths (5/6) work days for each <br />full calendar month of service performed. In the calendar year <br />in which an employee holding a full-time position completes five <br />(5) full years of City service, such employee shall be entitled <br />to fifteen and three- quarters (15-3/4) work days of vacation. <br />For each full year of full-time City service completed <br />thereafter, three-quarters (3/4) of a work day of vacation shall <br />be added up to a maximum of twenty-five (25) work days of <br />vacation. <br />An employee who is on Leave Without Pay status for one (1) <br />through fifteen (15) calendar days shall continue to accrue <br />vacation leave for that pay period. An employee who continues on <br />Leave Without Pay status beyond fifteen (15) calendar days shall <br />not accrue vacation leave for those subsequent pay period(s). <br />Vacation leave will again accrue when the employee has returned <br />to paid status for the full pay period. <br />In the event one or more municipal holidays falls within a <br />vacation leave, such days shall not be charged as vacation leave <br />and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly for those <br />employees eligible for such holidays. <br />MANAGEMENT INCENTIVE <br />Management employees shall receive administrative leave pay at <br />the rate of 80 hours per calendar year; such amount shall be paid <br />equally at each pay period. Such pay is in recognition of the <br />extraordinary hours worked by management staff. <br />