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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />REVISED SCHEDULE FOR USER FEE SERVICE RATES <br />Back -around <br />Over the past five years, operating cost increases in three of the City's Enterprise Fund <br />activities —Water Pollution Control, Refuse (including recycling), and Storm Water —have been <br />offset by productivity increases and technological improvements. During this period, stable rates <br />have benefited industrial, commercial, and residential users. <br />The existing user fee rates were reviewed during the preparation of the 1998-99 City Council <br />Approved Budget. As a result of this analysis, rates for these three funds required various <br />upward adjustments to support the current levels of service. <br />Revised Rate Schedule <br />The proposed schedule for user fee service rates has been revised for two of the City's enterprise <br />accounts and is recommended to the City Council. Rates for the Storm Water Utility and Refuse <br />Funds have been changed from the recommended adjustments presented to the City Council at <br />the budget work session and public hearing in June and at the public hearing on August Sewer <br />service rates remain unchanged from those previously recommended for 1998-99. <br />The original proposal for rate adjustments were required to maintain the current levels of <br />service and were incremental adjustments toward a balance between revenues and expenses. <br />Based on direction from the City Council, the enterprise operations and rates have been re- <br />analyzed. This revised schedule reflects possible reductions or modification to the levels of <br />service for the City Council's consideration. <br />The revised schedule requires both financial and programmatic elements to balance the three <br />Enterprise Funds. This strategy for 1998-99 is based on the following steps. <br />1. Reduce service levels that are least essential and provide marginal benefits for the public. <br />2. Raise rates for both sewer and refuse services in line with a revenue/expenditure balance. <br />3. Explore opportunity of having special districts provide uniform services in the San <br />Leandro service area. <br />4. Explore privatization agreements for refuse and sewer service. <br />5. Develop delivery alternatives for City -operated services. <br />