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City Council, Revised Rate Schedule Page 2 <br />Attached is a detailed analysis of the revised rate schedule, the recommended actions tb balance the <br />funds for 1998-99, and Ion' term approaches for continuation of the services. Strategies for the <br />plan are based on the following steps. <br />1. Reduce service levels that are least essential and provide marginal benefits <br />for the public. <br />?. Raise rates for both sewer and refuse services in line with a revenue/ <br />expenditure balance. <br />3. Explore having a special district provide services in the entire San <br />Leandro service area. <br />4. Explore privatization agreements for refuse and sewer service. <br />5. Develop service delivery alternatives for City -operated services. <br />Again, the original proposal for rate adjustments covered the continuation of current levels of <br />service. The revised proposal requires the lowering of costs through the reduction of some <br />services. The proposed service reductions include the following items. <br />Storm Water Utility <br />1. Street sweeping in residential areas reduced to once per month. <br />2. Deferral of replacement of the Washington Avenue Pump Station. <br />Refuse Service <br />l . Curbside residential garbage service replaced by the present rear yard <br />service. <br />2. The annual debris program replaced by a once per year call -in service. <br />Enterprise Funds, by definition, are to be self -funded and should not require annual subsidies from <br />other funds. The remaining rate increases are necessary to minimize General Fund subsidies, <br />although future increases will be needed to fully cover operations. The recommended reductions <br />and modifications to current service levels are necessary to forego additional rate increases and <br />maintain balanced funds. <br />It is recommended that the City Council adopt the revised fees for refuse and sewer fees without the <br />provision of an annual adjustment based on the consumer price index. It is also recommended the <br />fees remain unchanged for storm water utility and recycling services. The revised fee schedule will <br />reduce the proposed increase in monthly residential fees from $3.25 to $2.05. <br />�_ 2 <br />