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until a successor is elected and qualified. Any unexpired remainder of the term of such <br />office shall be filled by the voters at such election. If the Council fails to fill such <br />vacancy within sixty days after its existence, the Council shall call a special election, at <br />which the unexpired remainder of the term of such office shall be filled by the voters. <br />(Sec. 245 and 250, City Charter) <br />Should a Council Member vacate his or her office prior to completion of a second <br />consecutive four year terms as Council Member, he or shall be ineligible for the office of <br />Council Member for the following term. (Section 275, City Charter) <br />Should the Mayor vacate his or her office prior to completion of a second consecutive <br />four year term as Mayor, he or she shall be ineligible for the office of Mayor for the <br />following term. (Section 280, City Charter) <br />ELIGIBILITY <br />Any person is eligible to hold office as elected Council Member if such person is a <br />registered voter of the City and a resident of the geographical area which constituted the <br />district from which such person was nominated at the time of filing nomination papers, <br />and was a resident of such area and a registered voter of the City at the time of filing <br />nomination papers and for a period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of <br />filing. <br />Any person is eligible to hold office as appointed Council Member if such person is a <br />registered voter of the City and a resident of the geographical area which constitutes the <br />district from which such person's elected predecessor was nominated, and was a resident <br />of such area and a registered voter of the City at the time of appointment and for a period <br />of thirty days immediately preceding appointment. (Section 205, City Charter) <br />Any person is eligible to hold office as elected Mayor if such person is a registered voter <br />of the City and was registered voter of the City at the time of filing nomination papers <br />and for a period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of filing. Any person is <br />eligible to hold office as appointed Mayor if such person is a registered voter of the City <br />and was a registered voter of the City for a period of thirty days immediately preceding <br />appointment. (Section 210, City Charter) <br />ELECTIONS <br />General Municipal elections for the election of officers and for such other purposes as are <br />required by law or as the Council may prescribe shall be held on the second Tuesday in <br />April of each even numbered year. In order to consolidate the General Municipal <br />election with the statewide direct primary or statewide general election, the Council may <br />by ordinance provide for such consolidation. Such ordinance shall also provide for the <br />date of commencement of terms of office following the consolidated General Municipal <br />Election. (Section 600, City Charter) <br />48 I-2 <br />