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John Jermams - 2 - November 10, 1998 <br />The Planning Staff has reviewed the proposal and concluded that pursuant to Zoning Code <br />Section 3-1026, a new planned development project approval is required to amend the previous <br />planned development project. <br />The applicant would like to replace the existing service bays with a convenience store. The store <br />would be an extension of the existing small snack area that is currently around the cash register. <br />The store would carry general food items and auto maintenance products such as windshield fluid. <br />The store will not carry any alcoholic beverages. <br />DISCUSSION <br />This area is saturated with auto repair uses; Jiffy Lube and Quality Tune -Up are located within 100 feet <br />of the service bays. The conversion of the service bays to a convenience store will be compatible with <br />the residentially zoned area to the west. This use will not compete with the Lucky's store which is <br />located in Fairmont Square; it will cater to drivers who need to pick up one or two items while filling <br />up their car with gas. <br />The proposal will improve the appearance of the site. Removing the doors to the auto bay will give the <br />building a clean look. The applicant has submitted a new landscape plan for the existing planters and <br />will add an additional, three-foot wide planter along the east side of the building between the walkway <br />and the building. A planting strip will also be added along the closed off driveway between the site <br />and Ricky's to create a uniform planting area along the southern border of the property. <br />The applicant has requested a convenience store which is open on a 24-hour basis. Businesses which <br />are open 24 hours a day are permitted in this district with a Conditional Use Permit, but are often <br />discouraged because of the impact that an all-night business can have on a neighborhood. The Lucky's <br />Market is already open 24 hours; any shopping needs that someone might have can be met at that store <br />with very little inconvenience. For these reasons, staff recommends that the convenience store open no <br />earlier than 6:00 a.m. and close no later than 10:00 p.m. The applicant is aware of this <br />recommendation and is agreeable to these hours of operation. <br />The Planning Commission added a recommendation that the two driveways leading to the parking <br />lots of the Columbia Healthcare Pavilion and Pring's Restaurant be closed. There are no <br />easements currently in place for these driveways, which means that adjacent property owners <br />could choose to close them at anytime, just as the driveway leading into the Ricky's parking lot <br />was closed 18 months ago. The Planning Commission also believes that the additional driveways <br />create a confusing traffic pattern and that closing these driveways will create a site that is more in <br />keeping with today's planning standards. The driveways will be closed off with a planting area to <br />create a uniform planting strip on the north and east sides of the property. The planting areas will <br />be landscaped in a manner compatible with the plantings shown on the landscaping plan. <br />