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MO 1997-001 to 1997-005
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1997-001 to 1997-005
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
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Administrative Specialist - Police 2 December 14, 1996 <br />Support and maintain the Records Management System (RMS) and Computer Aided Dispatch <br />(CAD) by updating and purging files; schedule and coordinate RMS and CAD upgrades; <br />troubleshoot hardware and software problems; and create new personnel accounts and access <br />privileges; <br />Operate a personal computer using word processing, desk top publishing, and various law <br />enforcement databases; <br />Ensure quality control of data entered into RMS by Records and Dispatch personnel by <br />verifying correct crime classification codes for accurate statistics; answer questions and <br />problem -solve issues related to data entry; and train new personnel how to enter data; and <br />Departmental computer training on RMS, CAD, personal computers, word processing and <br />spreadsheet software, and various law enforcement databases. <br />111 KTOIrll& o)C,I <br />After reviewing the duties and responsibilities of the PSD position assigned to perform crime analysis and <br />information, it is clear that the position is misclassified. For classification purposes, the position's duties and <br />responsibilities are equivalent to the level of duties and responsibilities of an existing classification, ASP. <br />Therefore, upon approval of the City Council to create a new ASP position and with minor amendments to <br />the ASP job description, the job description will reflect the crime analysis and information services duties. <br />Authorization to create the proposed ASP position which will be responsible to perform crime analysis and <br />information services duties will align the job responsibilities and tasks with the appropriate position <br />classification and hierarchy in the police department's organization. The proposed position will continue to <br />be supervised by the Police Sergeant position assigned to the Administrative Services Division of the Bureau <br />of Services; the proposed position will have no supervisory authority. <br />The types of duties of the proposed ASP position will continue to be to review crime reports and produce <br />various statistical reports as required by the Department of Justice, City staff, and the general public; support <br />and maintain the Police Department's RMS and CAD systems; ensure quality control of data entered into the <br />RMS; and coordinate the Police Department's training on the RMS and CAD. Finally, the proposed ASP <br />position will forego performing PSD duties. <br />In general, the labor market's minimum qualifications for a comparable ASP position performing crime <br />analysis duties is completion of a Bachelor's degree supplemented by two years of recent and progressively <br />responsible full-time experience, preferably in a law enforcement environment, working with a complex <br />record management system or computer aided dispatch system, or combination of both. <br />Taking the 1993 Shannon Associates' staffing study of the Police Department into consideration, the <br />recommendation to create and authorize this proposed position will add a new position to the Police <br />62 <br />
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