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City Council <br />Page 2 <br />downtown, and other center and neighborhood retailers will be encouraged to assist <br />in the design and implementation of this program. <br />3. The Public Works Services Department will allocate $40,000 for on -going interior <br />and exterior maintenance at the San Leandro Boys' and Girls' Club facility. This <br />expanded City role at the building will insure an adequate level of annual and capital <br />maintenance at the facility. <br />4. Community Services will allocate an additional $11,000 community assistance <br />contingency to mitigate potential effects on San Leandro residents of welfare reform <br />in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. <br />5. A total of $10,000 will be allocated in the City Council's budget account for City <br />Council facilitation services. These funds will continue the visioning and goal <br />setting processes recently established by the City Council after the 1998 municipal <br />election. <br />RECAP OF THE BUDGET DEVELOPMENT PROCESS <br />The budget process began for the 1997-98 fiscal year with the State of the City and the Mid -Year <br />Budget presentations on February 10, 1997. Following the presentations, the City Council <br />referred review and development of draft budget strategies to the Finance Committee. <br />T1.o �lI'ictn Finance C: mrn:ttee held a tL't,'.l of SLK mPergs ti,�r1;b Tanuary, Fehni�n�, and March to <br />1 = 1 <br />develop the detailed recommendations for the 1997-98 City Budget. These meetings were open to <br />the public and substantial opportunity was provided for public input and comment. The <br />Committee's process allowed the community a chance to share in the design of San Leandro's <br />future. <br />SUMMARY <br />The Budget Strategies give direction for the major policy issues facing the City for 1997-98. The <br />Finance Committee believes the recommended strategies present a sound foundation for the City <br />Council's budget considerations. A motion approving the Budget Strategies is recommended. <br />4U <br />