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RECOTNLMENDED BUDGET STRATEGIES, 1997-98 <br />The following Budget Strategies form the recommended policy foundation for <br />development of the 1997-98 budget. These strategies were formulated by the City <br />Council Finance Committee and are recommended for approval by the City Council. The <br />Finance Committee developed its final recommendation based on the evaluation of the <br />issues at its meeting on March 19. <br />The Budget Strategies provide the basis for continued financial stability for the City and <br />allow for the continuation of essential City services. These actions promote the <br />community's ongoing prosperity and maintain a balanced General Fund. <br />BUDGET STRATEGIES <br />EXPENDITURE/SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS <br />Seismic Retrofit at Fire Stations Nos. 10 and 11 S500,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend the seismic retrofit and related <br />improvements at two City fire stations. Similar improvement have been <br />completed at the three other City -owned stations staffed by the Alameda County <br />Fire Department. To protect personnel and citizens in these seismically vulnerable <br />facilities and to prevent emergency equipment from being damaged or unable to <br />respond following an earthquake, these essential facilities must be strengthened. <br />These stations, located on Davis Street and on Marina Boulevard and the Public <br />Library Center, are the remaining building buildings requiring seismic retrofit. <br />2. Enhanced Summer Youth Employment and Internship Program S50,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend continuation and enhancement of the <br />Summer Intern program successfully implemented in 1996-97. The program is <br />designed to help young residents gain insight into the working world. Student <br />apply for and complete for jobs in City departments, experience well -supervised <br />employment, and perform meaningful assignments in a professional setting. <br />The Strategies call for the placement of twenty paid summer interns for a total of <br />eight weeks. The funding level for 1997-98 covers two months during the <br />summer of 1997 and one month during the summer of 1998. <br />M <br />