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RECOMMENDED BUDGET STRATEGIES, 1997-98 <br />USE OF CITY RESERVE FUNDS <br />CIP Fire Station Retrofit $300,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend the City fund fire station seismic <br />retrofit project existing through capital improvement reserves. A portion of the <br />improvements will be funded through a State grant from the Earthquake Safety <br />and Public Buildings Rehabilitiation Bond Act. <br />2. 1996-97 General Fund Revenue Growth $300,000 <br />3. 1996-97 General Fund/CIP Savings Allocation 300,000 <br />The 1997-98 Budget Strategies recommend that anticipated growth in General <br />Fund revenues and General Fund and capital improvement fund savings for 1996- <br />97 meet 1997-98 expenditure/service adjustments. The reallocation of reserves <br />based on funds available at the close of 1996-97 will be appropriated for <br />downtown parking, park and sports complex development, and the capital <br />improvement supplement. <br />3 - 4 <br />