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MO 1997-026 to 1997-030
City Clerk
City Council
Minute Orders
MO 1997-026 to 1997-030
Entry Properties
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7/12/2022 4:57:33 PM
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7/12/2022 4:49:44 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Minute Order
Document Date (6)
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I <br />City Council - 2 - <br />BACKGROUND <br />May 14, 1997 <br />The developer, MacEngle Partners, has applied to build a full -service senior housing facility at <br />928, 1000, and 1010 East 14th street. The concept for this project was presented to the City <br />Council on April 21, 1997, at which time the Council approved a resolution declaring the City's <br />intent apply for tax-exempt bond financing if this project is approved. The proposed site is <br />across from the City Hall complex and consists of the following properties: <br />1. 928 East 14th Street - The former Peterson Motors which has been vacant for approximately <br />ten years. <br />2. 1000 East 14th Street - Developed with a mixed -use two story building consisting of a clock <br />shop on the first floor and two apartment units on the second floor. <br />3. 1010 East 14th Street - Russell Heath Dry Cleaners. This is an unreinforced masonry <br />building. <br />The developer proposes the following actions for the property: <br />A. Rezone the property from NA-2 North Area District to NA-2 (PD) North Area-2 Planned <br />Development District. <br />B. Approve development of the property as an Assisted Living Retirement Community. <br />The development consists of a three story building with 144 units of senior housing, twenty <br />percent of which will be affordable to very low-income seniors. The facility will consist of small <br />individual apartment units for the frail elderly, with common dining and leisure areas. Residents <br />will receive three meals a day. Other services provided at additional cost include housekeeping <br />services, medical monitoring services, room service and a personal attendant. A special wing <br />will serve seniors with Alzheimer's and dementia. The proposed building is U-shaped with a <br />landscaped interior courtyard for use by the residents. The building is setback 10 feet from the <br />front property line. The two building wings extend to within 5 feet of the rear property line at the <br />closest point and the main part of the building is located 140 feet from the rear property line. <br />Parking is provided on each side of the building. The parking along Haas Avenue is angle <br />parking with the lot entrance on East 14th Street and the exit on Haas Avenue. The parking lot <br />on the south side of the building is served by a two way aisle with entrance and exit on East 14th <br />Street. There is also a connection to the adjacent office building for joint parking access. A total <br />of 51 spaces will be provided. With approximately 24 staff persons on the site at one time, the <br />remaining 27 spaces will be available for visitor parking. The applicant's experience with other <br />similar facilities he owns and operates is that few, if any of the residents have cars or are capable <br />of driving. This will leave all of the remaining parking available for visitor use. The number of <br />visitors at one time is typically not heavy and the estimated 27 spaces available would be <br />adequate. <br />
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