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JUN-27-1997 15:53 PACIFIC UNION VENTURES 5107290125 P.02 <br />mE„aRA„oUm COPHOEffift <br />TO: Steve Meyers, City Attorney <br />FROM: Bill Drummond, Pacific Union Ventures Project Management <br />RE: Civic Center Renovation - Phase 2 <br />Contractor's Breach of Contract <br />DATE: June 27, 1997 <br />On March 4, 1997, Pacific Union Ventures Project Management <br />contractor negotiated <br />a settlement <br />project - <br />agreement with West Bay Builders, Inc. (WBB), the generalThe <br />The settlement resolved 111 outstanding cos Contract extra <br />ngetOrder Nop15, which WBB sig es and disuted work an the prond otn April <br />settlement was incorporated <br />9, 1997. <br />items <br />Included l the settlement <br />is that are retment by ferenced d in Contract Change Order No. 15B to Complete sr)ecifc IistThese <br />which are listed in documents <br />punch list items, if diligently pursued, would take two to three weeks to complete. <br />as made <br />WBB has worked sporadicaclus that Phe items of worky on the unh list items s included on the 9st werennot really <br />attempts to convince <br />necessary. <br />t items of work <br />On July 11, 1997, we received despite the facter from Vthat alllce president af the terns alre specifihcally included n <br />which they refused to pert <br />Change Order No. 15. Additionally, WSS has performed no visible punch list work at all since <br />June 6, 1997. <br />en "he <br />ard <br />WBB's refusal to complete coSUeaca d the marginal quality tutes a rof their performance each of contract. 'vto date, line they are taking on this s <br />recommend that the City begiindt`hee termination process outlined in paragraph 1.31 oft e <br />Agreement between the City <br />BDlrr <br />cc. W. McCammon <br />