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File Number: 22-458 <br />Based upon the totality of staff’s review of all the application materials and interviews, <br />IntegrAssure, Inc. stood out as the most qualified firm. Therefore, City staff recommends that the <br />City Council adopt the attached resolution, which would approve and authorize the City Manager <br />to execute a professional services agreement with the firm to serve as the City’s first Independent <br />Police Auditor. <br />About IntegrAssure <br />IntegrAssure, Inc. is a consulting firm with deep subject matter expertise in the field of law <br />enforcement oversight, having performed similar oversight services to various cities, designing <br />police auditing mechanisms, and conducting independent reviews of police departments, <br />including use of force practices and officer-involved shootings. Throughout their assignments, <br />they have demonstrated a track record of collaboration <br />and transparent communication to ensure that reforms are implemented along with <br />a spirit of continuous improvement. <br />The firm is led by Mr. Jeff Schlanger, who would be the designated IPA for the City of San <br />Leandro. Mr. Schlanger has more than four decades of experience in the law, independent <br />investigations, law enforcement, and monitor-ships, including serving as the City of Los Angeles’s <br />First Deputy Monitor. He has also led teams responsible to review and monitor the University of <br />Cincinnati Police Department following a fatal officer-involved shooting, and served as Counsel to <br />the New York City Police Commissioner before becoming the Deputy Commissioner for Risk <br />Management. In this role, he spearheaded a continuous improvement approach to police <br />re-engineering, re-imagination, and reform, and helped guide the Department through significant <br />reforms. <br />InegrAssure also brings a deep bench of staff with relevant subject matter expertise who will be <br />available to assist the City of San Leandro as it works to establish its Community Police Review <br />Board. <br />Legal Analysis <br />The City Attorney reviewed the content of this report and the agreement and approved both as to <br />form. <br />Financial Impacts <br />This General Fund program will cost $192,500 annually, which was included in the FY2022-2023 <br />Adopted Budget with no directly applicable off-setting revenues. The first $8,000 in travel cost will <br />be waived and the City will only be charged for travel if the cost exceeds $8,000. The program will <br />be funded as follows: <br />·General Fund-Administration, Account 010-12-020: $192,500____________ <br />·Total $192,500 <br />This Council action will not impact the General Fund’s undesignated fund balance because there <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 7/6/2022