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File Number: 22-446 <br />consolidation of the City of San Leandro General Municipal Election with the Statewide General <br />Election; to direct the Alameda County Registrar of Voters to provide election services to the City, <br />and to bill the City for the cost of conducting the election. <br />Lastly, this resolution sets the following regulations for candidate statements: <br />·Establishes a maximum of 200 words for each candidate statement of qualifications; <br />·Disallows any additional candidate materials to be mailed with the Sample Ballot and <br />Voter Pamphlet; <br />·Sets a deposit amount of $1,400.00, to be paid by candidates at the time of filing <br />nominating papers and candidate statements, for their pro-rata share of the costs of <br />printing, handling, translating and mailing the candidate statements. Following the <br />election, candidates will be refunded any overage or billed for any additional costs. <br />2. Ordinance Establishing Election and Nomination Procedures <br />Section 610 of the City of San Leandro Charter states that the City Council, by uncodified <br />ordinance, may provide for the method of conducting municipal elections. This ordinance <br />provides for the publication of the Notice of Election by the City Clerk, the method of nomination <br />of candidates, filing dates for nomination papers, and time extension if an incumbent fails to file. <br />It also sets provisions for the procedure to be used if no candidate files for an office and provides <br />for the use of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Pursuant to California Government Code Section <br />36937(a), as this ordinance relates to an election, it is effective immediately upon adoption. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />The City’s elections web pages have been updated for the upcoming election. Election <br />information will also be provided to the press, published on the City’s elections web page, and <br />shown on the City’s Government Access Channel 15. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The 2022 election is estimated to cost $335,000. Per the Alameda County Registrar of Voters, <br />the cost of a general election is Four to Six Dollars per registered voter, as of the date of <br />publication, the City has 50,238 registered voters which is estimated to be $301,428. To account <br />for additional registered voters between now and October 24, 2022, the last day to register to <br />vote in the 2022 General Election, plus the cost of public noticing and election supplies, the <br />estimated cost is $335,000. <br />Budget Authority <br />Sufficient funds are included in the FY 2022-2023 General Fund budget (Account <br />010-11-031-5890) for funding the election costs. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />Attachment A - Resolution Calling for the Holding of a General Municipal Election to be Held <br />Tuesday, Nov 8, 2022 <br />Attachment B - Ordinance to Establish Election and Nomination Procedures for November 8, <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/28/2022