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San Leandro Council Member Handbook | 20212022 <br />6 | Page <br /> <br /> <br />SELECTION AND ROLE OF THE VICE MAYOR <br />At its first regular meeting in January of each year, the Council must designate one of its members <br />as Vice Mayor to serve for one year and until a successor is elected and qualified. In the absence <br />of the Mayor, the Vice Mayor shall possess and perform the powers and duties of the Mayor. <br />(Sec. 310, City Charter) <br /> <br />DISTRICTS <br />There are six representative districts, numbered one <br />through six as provided for in the City Charter. The <br />boundaries of Council Member districts shall be those <br />adopted by Charter or amended by ordinance of the <br />Council. Each district consists of a geographically <br />compact contiguous territory and shall contain, as <br />nearly as possible, equal numbers of residents. No <br />change in district boundaries shall operate to <br />disqualify an incumbent from office before the <br />expiration of the term for which such person was elected or appointed. (Section 230, City Charter) <br /> <br />TERM OF OFFICE <br />Council Members and the Mayor shall hold office for four years commencing on January 1st <br />following their election. (Section 235, City Charter). Term Limits are restricted to two complete, <br />consecutive four-year terms. (Section 265, City Charter) <br /> <br />VACANCIES <br />A vacancy exists in the office of Council Member or Mayor when the person elected or appointed <br />to such office fails to qualify or becomes disqualified, or upon the occurrence of any event which, <br />under the general laws, would cause a vacancy in such office. <br /> <br />A vacancy in the office of Council Member or Mayor shall be filled by appointment by the Council. <br />The appointee shall hold office until the next general municipal election and until a successor is <br />elected and qualified. Any unexpired remainder of the term of such office shall be filled by the <br />voters at such election. If the Council fails to fill such vacancy within sixty days after its existence, <br />the Council shall call a special election, at which the unexpired remainder of the term of such <br />office shall be filled by the voters. (Sec. 245 and 250, City Charter) <br /> <br />Should a Council Member vacate his or her office before completion of a second consecutive <br />four-year term as Council Member, he or shall be ineligible for the office of Council Member for <br />the following term. (Section 275, City Charter) <br /> <br />Should the Mayor vacate his or her office before completion of a second consecutive four-year <br />term as Mayor, he or she shall be ineligible for the office of Mayor for the following term. (Section <br />280, City Charter) <br /> <br /> <br />7,00