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San Leandro Council Member Handbook | 20212022 <br />8 | Page <br /> <br /> <br />INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE OR EMPLOYMENT <br />A Council Member or Mayor who accepts or retains an incompatible public office or incompatible <br />public employment after taking office on the Council is deemed to have resigned as Council <br />Member or Mayor. (Section 240, City Charter) <br /> <br />OUTSIDE GOVERNMENTAL APPOINTMENTS <br />If a Council Member decides to seek an outside governmental appointment (e.g., through the <br />State or National League of Cities), the following guidelines will be observed: <br />• Staff support will not be provided to assist in the appointment application process or any <br />follow-up thereof. <br /> <br />• The City will not pay per diem for travel associated with the appointment process. <br /> <br />• There will be no commitments of other City resources to assist in the appointment process. <br /> <br />• If appointed, any travel reimbursement associated with an outside governmental appointment will <br />be taken from shall be charged to the Councilmembers travel budget. <br /> <br />MAYOR/COUNCIL COMPENSATION <br />State law limits City Council salaries. All provisions of the Government Code of the State of <br />California relating to compensation, benefits, and reimbursement for expenses applicable to <br />members of a City Council of a general law city shall apply to Council Members in San Leandro. <br />(Section 255, City Charter; Gov. Code Section 36516) <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 2006-019 sets the Council Members’ salary at $1,260 per month. <br /> <br />The Mayor shall receive a salary established by ordinance as approved by a majority of the City <br />Council. Also, the Mayor shall be entitled to the same benefits and reimbursement for expenses <br />as are Council Members. (Section 260, City Charter) <br /> <br />Ordinance No. 2006-020 sets the Mayor’s salary at $2,520 per month. <br /> <br />The Mayor is provided a car allowance of Three Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($375.00) per <br />month, instead of the travel reimbursement afforded other City Council Members. (San Leandro <br />Administrative Code, Title 1, Chapter 5.) <br /> <br />(Appendix A--Guidelines regarding the Setting of the Mayor’s Salary, are included for reference at <br />the back of the handbook. These guidelines were approved by the City Council on February 4, <br />2002.) <br /> <br />REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES <br />City Council Members may be reimbursed for actual and necessary automobile expenses incurred <br />in the performance of official duties within the San Francisco Bay Area in such amounts as are <br />properly claimed, but not to exceed One Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($125) per month for each <br />Council Member. Requests for reimbursement must include documentation for payment <br />including receipts, invoices, canceled checks or credit card receipts. City budgets are set per <br />Formatted: Font: 12 pt <br />Formatted: Indent: Left: 1.07", Hanging: 0.25", Nobullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not at 0.82" + 0.82"