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San Leandro Council Member Handbook | 20212022 <br />13 | Page <br /> <br /> <br />WORK SESSIONS <br />Work Sessions of the City Council are ordinarily held at 7:006:30 p.m. on the second Monday of <br />each month, with an additional Work Session scheduled on the 4th Monday, if needed. Those <br />meetings shall take place at a location to be designated by the Council. At Work Sessions, City <br />staff provides reports to the City Council on a variety of items and issues; however, no formal <br />action is taken at a Work Session. <br /> <br />MEETING NOTICES <br />The City Clerk is responsible for posting notices of all City Council meetings including Work <br />Sessions. The City Clerk will post meeting notices in accordance with applicable state and local <br />laws. <br /> <br />MEETING ATTENDANCE <br />If any Councilmember cannot attend a meeting, he or she must notify the Clerk as soon as <br />possible, but in no event later than noon the day of the meeting. <br /> <br />RULES OF ORDER <br />The proceedings of the Council shall be governed, unless otherwise stated, under “Robert’s Rules <br />of Order, As Amended” on all matters pertaining to parliamentary law; however, no action of the <br />Council shall be invalidatedinvalidated, or the legality thereof otherwise affected by the failure <br />or omission to observe or follow said rules. <br /> <br />WHAT CONSTITUTES A QUORUM <br />A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (Section 325, <br />City Charter) <br /> <br />DAIS TIPS <br />The Council Chambers is equipped with a system that provides microphones and video recording <br />equipment at the dais, clerk table, staff table, and podium. The public address system not only <br />provides a means for the audience to hear all of a speaker’s comments but is also directly tied <br />into a recording system that creates a record of the meeting. Be sure to turn the microphone off <br />when you are through talking, during recesses, and after a meeting. <br />Be mindful that you are speaking in a recorded public setting. Even the most harmless humor can <br />be easily misinterpreted after the fact. Never say things near a microphone you do not want to <br />be heard. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />