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San Leandro Council Member Handbook | 20212022 <br />25 | Page <br /> <br /> <br />ENFORCEMENT OF DECORUM <br />The Chief of Police or representative shall be ex-officio Sergeant-at-Arms of the Council. He/She <br />shall carry out all orders and instructions given him/her by the Presiding Officer to maintain order <br />and decorum in the Council Chambers. Upon instructions from the Presiding Officer, it shall be <br />the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to eject any person from the Council Chambers or place him/her <br />under arrest or both. <br />As set forth in the Brown Act (Government Code Section 54957.9), in the event that any meeting <br />is willfully interrupted by a group or groups of persons so as to render the orderly conduct of <br />such meeting unfeasible and order cannot be restored by the removal of individuals who are <br />willfully interrupting the meeting, the members of the Council may order the meeting room <br />cleared and continue in session. Only matters appearing on the agenda may be considered in <br />such a session. Representatives of the press or other news media, except those participating in <br />the disturbance, shall be allowed to attend any session held under this section. The City Council <br />may establish a procedure for readmitting an individual or individuals not responsible for willfully <br />disturbing the orderly conduct of the meeting. <br />Attendance at Council Meetings does not provide individuals or groups of individuals immunity <br />or protection when their conduct is in violation of any other laws (California Penal Code, City of <br />San Leandro Municipal Code, etc.) The Sergeant-at-Arms should and will be called upon by the <br />Presiding Officer to enforce these laws at Council Meetings. <br />DISSENT AND PROTESTS <br />Any Council Member shall have the right to express dissent from or protest against any action of <br />the Council and have the reason captured in the minutes. If a council member wants to have his <br />dissent entered into the minutes, the minutes should provide clear language such as “I would like <br />the minutes to show that I am opposed to this action for the following reasons. ” <br /> <br />PROCEDURES IN ABSENCE OF RULES <br />Except as modified by the provisions of this handbook, the proceedings of the Council shall be <br />governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, As Amended. <br /> <br />RULINGS OF CHAIR FINAL UNLESS OVERRULED <br />In presiding over Council meetings, the Mayor, Vice Mayor or temporary Presiding Officer shall <br />decide all questions of interpretations of these rules, points of order or other questions of <br />procedure, requiring rulings. Any such decision or ruling shall be final unless overridden or <br />suspended by a majority vote of the Council Members present and voting. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />