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File Number: 22-403 <br />contains membership information, which includes district representation. <br /> <br />SECTION X - BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS PROFILES <br />Inactive Boards and Commissions are removed, as well as inactive internal committees; the <br />Community Police Review Board is added. <br />APPENDIX A - SETTING THE MAYOR’S SALARY <br />Updated to reflect current practices <br />APPENDIX B-1 - GUIDELINES REGARDING REIMBURSEMENT FOR <br />COUNCILMEMBER EXPENSES <br />Appendix changed to Appendix C to be consistent in formatting, as item B-1 was unrelated and <br />not a subtext of Appendix B. Subsequent appendices were renumbered accordingly. <br />Council budget information has been added to Reimbursement for Expenses as well as a line <br />item for Uniforms. <br />Budgets are set with the budget cycle and are non-transferrable and cannot be <br />carried over year to year. <br />(A)Travel/Training <br />a.Councilmembers currently receive $7,000 per fiscal year, to be <br />reimbursed after providing sufficient supporting documentation <br />as approved by to the City Manager. <br />b.The Mayor currently receives $10,000 per fiscal year, to be <br />reimbursed after providing sufficient supporting documentation <br />as approved byto the City Manager. <br />(B)Technology $175 per month, times 12 months for a total of $2100, <br />which includes monthly mobile phone and internet service. <br />(C)Uniform - $250 initial allocation, then $100 annually. All items must have <br />City logo/seal permanently affixed, by embroidery, silk screen or similar. <br />APPENDIX D - GUIDELINES FOR COUNCILMEMBER TOWN HALL MEETINGS <br />A sentence was added to include the Mayor, as the Mayor does not have Town Hall meetings, but <br />instead hosts the State of the City Address. <br />APPENDIX G - SAN LEANDRO SISTER CITY AND FRIENDSHIP CITY GUIDELINES <br />VI. City Official Visits to Sister Cities and Friendship Cities <br />Language added to reflect that the cost of travel must be covered by the Councilmember and the <br />Councilmember’s travel budget shall not be used. A sentence referencing the Human Relations <br />Committee was stricken, as that is not a standing committee. <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />·Rules Committee, May 25, 2022 - Committee by consensus agreed to move the edits to <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 6/28/2022