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Accountability, staff Wellness and Safety programs, and liaison to the Community Police Review Board all seem <br />to appropriately reinforce key priorities for the Dept. <br />But clearly the police staffing issues highlighted in the Chief's presentation merit concern and require action. So <br />here are my questions: <br />1. WHY does SLPD have such a high % of sworn officers on disability leave (12 out of 90 authorized positions) <br />compared to other area departments, causing us to have the highest % of non-deployable officers in Alameda <br />County? Does that raise questions about the efficacy of the Dept.'s employee wellness and return-to-work <br />programs? How much of this is due to stress related to understaffing - and if so, how do we break the cycle? <br />2. WHY is the SLPD sworn officer vacancy rate (22 of 90 positions) so high? Do we know why SLPD officers are <br />leaving and why applicants may be accepting offers elsewhere? Do we know why San Leandro in particular is <br />faring poorly in the labor market? What is needed beyond monetary compensation? <br />3. WHAT needs to be done, beyond compensation and PR, to enhance public recognition and improve officer <br />morale, without compromising the call for greater accountability? <br />4. HOW does all this factor into the already commissioned independent police staffing study? Shouldn’t their <br />analysis help address some of these questions and help come up with more long-term solutions than a short- <br />term retention bonus plan might be expected to achieve? <br />Thank you. <br />Agenda Item: eComments for 12.b. 22-427 Adopt a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into <br />Memorandum of Understanding Side Letter Agreements with the San Leandro Police Officers' Association (SLPOA), San <br />Leandro Police Management Association (SLPMA) and San Leandro City Employees Association (SLCEA) to Facilitate a <br />Staffing Retention and Resiliency Program <br />Overall Sentiment <br />Guest User <br />Location: <br />Submitted At: 5:20pm 07-01-22 <br />Hi, I am Bob Bailey, long time resident of District 5 <br />Regarding the proposed $1.16 M retention bonus program to address PD's high vacancy rate and staff retention <br />problems: <br />I acknowledge that the PD's current staffing problems are significant. Understaffing can adversely impact officers' <br />health and safety as well as public safety (both real and/or perceived), and a retention bonus plan may be helpful. <br />But I believe there are a number of questions the Council ought to consider: <br />1. The City Manager proposal makes any officer who has been suspended for disciplinary action in the past two <br />years ineligible. Given our ongoing need to hold officers accountable, should that period be longer? <br />2. In the interests of fairness, should those who have received disciplinary action short of suspension in the <br />same period still be eligible for the full benefit (vs. other officers with "clean" records)?