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employees whose absence is caused by sickness or injury arising <br />within the course and scope of City employment. <br />An employee who takes a leave of absence without pay for a period <br />in excess of fifteen calendar days shall not accrue sick leave for <br />such period. <br />Except as hereinafter provided, payment for unused sick leave will <br />be granted to full-time regular employees who are represented by <br />the San Leandro Police Officer's Association with at least fifteen <br />years' continuous City service, including full-time service in an <br />annexed jurisdiction, at termination, retirement or resignation in <br />good standing based on salary at termination pursuant to the <br />following schedule: Number of sick leave days accumulated, <br />multiplied by 7-1/2%, multiplied by the number of whole years of <br />service, multiplied by the hourly rate at termination. The above <br />formula figure of Seven and one-half percent (7.5%) will be <br />adjusted to Ten Percent (10%) for an employee who terminates City <br />service after completing twenty-five years of uninterrupted City <br />service by way of termination, service retirement or resignation <br />in good standing with the City. <br />Actively employed employees formally represented by the San <br />Leandro Police Officers' Association who die or are permanently <br />disabled as a result of an accident which is held to be <br />compensable by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board will <br />receive payment for unused sick leave according to the seven and <br />one-half percent (7.5%) formula above without regard to length of <br />continuous City service. <br />Section 15. Funeral Leave <br />In the event of death in the immediate family of an employee who <br />has one (1) or more years of continuous service with the City, the <br />employee shall, upon request to the supervisor, be granted such <br />time off with pay as is necessary to make arrangements for the <br />funeral and attend same, not to exceed three (3) workdays; <br />additional funeral leave may be granted, not to exceed a total of <br />five (5) calendar days when such death and/or funeral is outside <br />of the nine (9) Bay Area counties. This provision does not apply <br />if the death and/or funeral occurs during the employee's paid <br />vacation, or while the employee is on leave of absence, layoff, <br />sick leave, or any other leave status. <br />Funeral leave applies only in instances in which the employee <br />attends the funeral or is required to make funeral arrangements, <br />but is not applicable for other purposes such as settling the <br />estate of the deceased. It is understood, however, that leave, as <br />provided in the preceding paragraph, may be granted to commence <br />prior to the decease of a member of the employee's immediate <br />family. Such paid absence shall be charged to death leave, with <br />full salary payment permitted upon the favorable recommendation of <br />13 <br />