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the Police Chief and the Personnel Director and upon the approval <br />of the City Manager. <br />The foregoing funeral leave provisions do not apply to hourly or <br />part-time employees. <br />Section 16. <br />Military Leave <br />Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provision <br />of the California State Law. An employee entitled to, and taking, <br />military leave shall provide, through appropriate chain of <br />command, the Police Chief with orders calling him/her to active <br />military duty. The Police Chief, within the limits of military <br />necessity and regulations, may determine when such leave shall be <br />taken. Upon returning from military leave, an employee shall <br />provide, when applicable, copies of military release papers. <br />Section 17. Catastrophic Illness Leave <br />The objective of this section is to complement the City's illness <br />protection program for employees by improving health benefits in <br />instances of catastrophic illness, and thereby aid employees to do <br />better work. <br />An employee holding a full-time position with permanent status who <br />has completed two (2) full years of continuous service shall be <br />eligible for the catastrophic illness leave benefit upon receiving <br />a prior favorable recommendation therefore from the Police Chief <br />and only upon the specific approval of the City Manager. To be <br />eligible for leave under this section, such employee must be <br />unable to work at the position or any less demanding position to <br />which assigned by the Police Chief, and must have exhausted all <br />accumulates sick leave, vacation, holiday, overtime and all other <br />accumulated leave or pay benefits. <br />Upon receiving prior approval, an employee shall be allowed <br />catastrophic leave up to a total of one-half (1/2) of the <br />accumulates sick leave the employee had when the catastrophic <br />illness occurred to a maximum catastrophic leave of fifty (50) <br />workdays; an employee who does not have twenty (20) days' <br />accumulated sick leave at the time the catastrophic illness occurs <br />may be permitted up to ten (10) workings days' catastrophic leave. <br />Leave under this section shall become effective after all other <br />paid leave is exhausted. During any period of catastrophic <br />illness leave, the employee shall receive compensation at the rate <br />of sixty percent (60%) of regular base pay. <br />A minimum of one (1) year must elapse following the termination of <br />the catastrophic illness leave before an employee may be permitted <br />further catastrophic illness leave. However, if subsequent <br />catastrophic illness occurs within a year following the <br />termination of the previous catastrophic illness leave, an <br />14 <br />