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r <br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />BETWEEN <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />AND <br />SAN LEANDRO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION <br />This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into pursuant to the <br />provisions of Section 3500 et. seq. of the Government Code of the <br />State of California. <br />The parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding wages, <br />hours and other terms and conditions of employment for the <br />employees in said representation unit, and have freely exchanged <br />information, opinions and proposals and have endeavored to reach <br />agreements on all matters relating to the employment conditions <br />and employer -employee relations of such employees. <br />This Memorandum of Understanding shall be presented to the San <br />Leandro City Council as the joint recommendation of the <br />undersigned parties for salary and employee benefit adjustments <br />for the period commencing March 1, 1996, through February 28, <br />1998. <br />Section 1. <br />Recognition <br />1.1 Association Recognition <br />San Leandro Police Officers' Association, hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Association" is the recognized employee <br />organization for the classifications shown in Appendix "A" <br />which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. <br />1.2 City Recognition <br />The City Manager, or any person or organization duly <br />authorized by the City Manager, is the representative of the <br />City of San Leandro, hereinafter referred to as the "City" <br />in employer -employee relations. <br />Section 2. Association Security <br />Dues deduction shall be for a specified amount and shall be made <br />only upon the voluntary written authorization of the member. Dues <br />deduction authorization may be canceled and the dues check -off <br />payroll discontinued at any time by the member upon voluntary <br />written notice to the Finance Director. Dues deduction <br />authorization or cancellation shall be made upon cards provided by <br />the Finance Director. Dues deduction may be continued only upon <br />voluntary written authorization of the member until canceled by <br />written notice by the member. Employee payroll deduction <br />1 <br />