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It is understood that the above provision shall not be interpreted <br />as requiring the City to fill each temporary vacancy by an acting <br />assignment. <br />Section 10. Police Development Incentive Program <br />The Police Development Incentive Program pay increments shall be: <br />Monthly <br />Category Educ./Cert./Time Amount <br />A P.B. + 3 years $100 <br />B P.I. + 6 years $150 <br />C P.A. + 10 years $180 <br />D Bac. + P.I. + 5 years $180 <br />E Bac. + P.A. + 10 years $200 <br />Legend: Bac. = Baccalaureate <br />P.A. = POST Advanced <br />P.I. = POST Intermediate <br />P.B. = POST Basic <br />There shall be no maintenance requirement. <br />Only employees hired prior to March 1, 1985, shall be eligible to <br />participate in the Police Department Incentive Program. <br />Payment shall be made by a separate check on or before June 5 and <br />December 5 of each calendar year. <br />Effective March 1, 1990, the Police Department Incentive Program <br />was terminated. Those sworn employees participating in the <br />program at the time of termination shall continue to receive, by <br />separate payment, that dollar amount which equals the level of <br />education -experience category achieved as of the date of the <br />program's termination. Such payment shall not continue once an <br />employee terminated employment as a sworn member of the San <br />Leandro Police Department. <br />Section 11. <br />Uniform Allowance <br />Effective March 1, 1996 through February 28, 1998, a uniform <br />allowance of Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) Dollars is allowed for <br />full-time sworn members of the Association who are required to <br />purchase and maintain uniforms. <br />For the period of this Memorandum of Understanding, a Police <br />Officer regularly assigned to motorcycle duties shall receive at <br />8 <br />